1663 June 24th: 1663a Stone Inscription (康熙碑a)
Name: Record of the Rebuilding of Pure and Truth Temple
Original name in Chinese: 重建清真寺记.
Translation of the name according to Bishop William Charles White, A Record of the Rebuilding of the Synagogue.
Translation of the name according to Professor Tiberiu Weisz, Record of the Rebuilding of the Pure and Truth Temple.
Unlike the 1512 Stele, this inscription referred to the synagogue in the same way as the 1489 Inscription did: The Pure and Truth Temple.
Physical Stone: 60 x 30 x 5 inches
The 1512 Stone Inscription no longer exists, but scholars believe it was likely similar in size to the 1489 stone.
One side of the tablet was the 1663a Inscription; the flip side was the 1663b Inscription.
Status: Tablet disappeared but ink rubbing extant
When first erected, this stone inscription was placed just across from the 1489 Tablet, on the south side of the synagogue's courtyard. The stone had a similar fate to the synagogue itself. It was last seen in 1850 by the two Chinese Delegates from Shanghai — they spoke of two pavilions with stone inscriptions, one of which is assumed to be this one. Unfortunately, they did not have the opportunity to copy the text as they had with the 1489 Tablet.
This tablet disappeared by the time American missionary W.A.P. Martin (丁韙良, 1827–1916) visited in 1866.
Around the early 1900s, this tablet was rumoured to be in possession of the Kaifeng Muslims.
Ink rubbing of the text has been preserved. It was initially sent to Europe, probably by Father Jean-Paul Gozani (骆保禄, 1647–1732), who first discovered it in 1702. Father Brucker found ink rubbings in the archives and sent them to Father Jerome Tobar (管宜穆, 1855–1917) in Shanghai.
The tablet initially had a caption on the top, written in antique seal characters, just like those of the 1489 and 1512 inscriptions, but the ink rubbing did not capture this, and the characters are therefore unknown. However, if this inscription had followed the same convention as the 1489 and 1512 inscriptions, the characters would be the same as the title of the inscription.
Composer: Liu Chang, Kaifeng native but not Jewish
Liu Chang was a native of Kaifeng but not Jewish. He was a close friend of the prominent members of the Kaifeng Jewish community, including Zhao Ying-cheng (赵映承, 1619–1657) and Zhao Cheng-ji (赵承基).
Liu held exceptionally prestigious positions in society — the Imperial Position of First Degree of First Rank (光禄大夫), Second Classical Tutor of the Emperor (待经筵少傅), First Tutor of the Crown Prince (太子太傅), the ex-President of the Board of Punishments (刑部尚书), and the Minister (尚书) on-leave of the Ministry of Public Works (工部).
Liu frequently made comparisons between Jewish and Chinese classics, emphasising the compatibility between the two cultures. His words insinuated that, in China, Judaism almost worked as an extension of Confucianism.
Purpose: Commemorate rebuild of the synagogue
Upon returning to Kaifeng from his position as Lieutenant in the West Route Army in Guyuan County (固原县) in Shanxi Province, Zhao Cheng-ji (赵承基) was astonished by the elegance of the new synagogue — the previous one was destroyed by the Yellow River flood of 1642.
Zhao suggested the erection of a stone tablet to commemorate the synagogue's re-construction, so that future generations would never forget this moment.
Main content: Five themes
§ History of Judaism.
§ Significance of prayer, fasting, and repentance in Judaism.
§ Parallels between Judaism and Confucianism.
§ Flood of 1642, defence of Kaifeng and the fall of the Ming Dynasty.
§ Restoration of the Scriptures and the rebuilding of the Jewish community.
First man of West descended from first man of East
In the 1489 Stone Inscription, Adam and Pangu were merged into one being, Pangu-Adam. He was supposedly the earliest human and the 19th generation ancestor of the Patriarch of the religion, Abraham (教祖师阿无罗汉乃盘古阿耽十九代孙也).
According to the 1663 Stone Inscription, created 200 years later, Adam (阿耽) was the 19th generation descendent of Pangu (盘古). Fascinatingly, these inscription texts delineate the evolution of the Kaifeng Jews’ interpretation of their own origins.
A plausible explanation for this is that the composer of the 1663 Inscription was Han Chinese, whereas the composer of the 1489 Inscription was Jewish; this meant that there could have been potential bias in favour of Chinese mythology, or simply that the composer had exposure to different insight.
Moses composed Holy Scriptures, 53 sections
According to the inscription, Moses alone understood the intricacies of the Law that he received on Mount Sinai, and from that, he composed the fifty-three sections of the Holy Scriptures (独会精微之原,遂着经文五十三卷).
Religion came from Tianzhu
According to the inscription, the religion of the Kaifeng Jews originated in Tianzhu (教起於天竺).
Religion came into China during the Zhou Dynasty
According to the inscription, the religion spread into China during the Zhou Dynasty (周时始傅於中州).
First shrine (祠) was built in Kaifeng during the Zhou
The inscription states, the religion originated in Tianzhu, spread to China during the Zhou Dynasty; a shrine was built in Kaifeng, passed through the Han, Tang, Song and Ming Dynasties, through a multitude of changes, members of the religion honoured and followed the teachings which were like food, drink, and clothing to them, they did not dare to part (教起於天竺,周时始傅於中州,建祠於大梁,历汉唐宋明以来,数有变更,而教众遵奉靡斁,如饮食衣服之適於人,而不敢 須臾离也).
First synagogue was built in 1163, rebuilt in 1356
In 1163, the first synagogue was built by Andula under the reign of Emperor Xiao-zong of the Song Dynasty (其寺俺都剌始创於宋孝隆兴元年).
In 1356, the synagogue was rebuilt by Ustad during the Yuan Dynasty (五思达重建於元至正十六年).
Parallelism between Judaism and Confucianism
The 1663a inscription asserts that Jewish and Chinese literature are compatible and complementary, although their scriptures are written in a different language. For example, the inscription mentioned that the act of worshipping was all according to the pre-established ritual (而其行於进反降跪拜间者,一唯循乎礼). Strict adherence to rituals (礼) is one of the most crucial components of Confucianism.
The text then stipulates the worshipper does not converse with the others, nor look around, nor let his private thoughts distract his focus when he is entering into the Way (不交言,不回视,不以事物之似,乘其入道之念).
Right after this, the Confucian classics, Book of Rites (礼记), were quoted to draw a parallelism between Judaism and Confucianism; a Confucian follower allowed no vain thoughts in his heart, he kept his thoughts in strict adherence to the Way; he allowed no reckless movement of hand or foot, and kept his heart strictly focused on the performance of the ritual, and the Way existed within the ritual observer as such (礼曰,心不苟虑,心依於道,手足不苟动,心依於礼,道之在礼拜者如此也).
It is possible that the close parallelism between Judaism and Confucianism was drawn because the Kaifeng Jews had assimilated already, or perhaps because they used the compatibility of their two identities as a means to justify their Jewishness in a foreign land.
Rebel leader Li Zi-cheng broke Yellow River dike
Li Zi-cheng at the Yellow River [Zane Archives]
According to the inscription, in the year 1642, the rebel leader Li Zi-cheng sieged the city of Kaifeng three times. The people of Kaifeng swore to protect their homes. After a six-month-long standoff, the rebels were desperate and resorted to drastic measures. They broke off the dike of the Yellow River and allowed the water to inundate the city (明末崇祯十五年壬午,闯寇作乱,围汴者三,汴人誓守无二,功愈力,守愈坚,阅六月余,寇计穷,引黄河之水以灌之).
200 Jewish families fled to north of the Yellow River
The inscription noted that only 200 Jewish families survived the flood and made it to the north bank of the Yellow River (教众获北渡者仅二百余家). This was less than half of the original population. There were survivors from seven clans. The Jewish community temporarily settled down in Changyuan County (长垣县).
The congregation rented a house where they safely stored the surviving scriptures; they revered the Holy Books and met regularly to worship. Hence the scriptures were never lost, and the religion could pass on forever(租旷宅而安置之,教众咸相与礼拜,尊崇如昔日,此经之所以不失,而教之所以永傅也).
Gao Xuan rescued Torahs and 26 Scriptures
The inscription recorded that Gao Xuan, a graduate of Doctorate Degree in the Imperial Examinations, entered the flooded synagogue to rescue the Scriptures on the order of his father, Gao Dong-dou. He entered a few times and saved several rolls of the Torah and 26 rolls of the Miscellaneous Scriptures (教人贡士高选,乘父东斗之命,入寺取经,往返数次,计获道经数部,散经二十六).
From rescued Scrolls, one complete Torah was assembled
Once all the rescued manuscripts were placed together, according to the inscription, Rabbi Li Zhen and Manla Li Cheng-xian were invited to compile and examine all (聘请掌教李祯,瞒剌李承先参互考订焉). Then, Rabbi Li Zhen removed the blurred portions and cut out the spoiled parts.
Zhao Ying-cheng, who held a Doctorate Degree, edited and verified the content of the remaining pieces and then classified and arranged them in chronological order (至大清顺治丙戌科进士教人赵映乘,编序次第).
Rabbi Li Zhen led a team in the general repairing and restoration process.
The finished collection consisted of one complete roll of the Pentateuch (纂成全经一部), which was made of severely water-damaged sheepskin parchments that were stitched together from the usable portions of each of the salvaged rolls, several volumes of the Square Scriptures (方经数部), and some tens of booklets of Miscellaneous Scriptures (散经数十册).
By the end of the restoration process, the books were in relatively good condition (缮修已成,焕然一新).
Zhao Cheng-ji fixed road and protected Kaifeng
Zhao Cheng-ji, 赵承基 [Zane Archives]
Major Zhao Cheng-ji of the Middle Army of the Kaifeng Route leads his troops in protecting Kaifeng. He helped in fixing roads, building bridges, and he asked people to return home and go back to work (时大梁道中军守备教人赵承基,率兵防汴,修道路,成桥梁,招人复业).
Worried that the destruction of the synagogue might lead to the dispersion of the congregation (寺废教散), Major Zhao, on many occasions, urged co-religionists to return to Kaifeng, rebuild the synagogue, and return to everyday life (数请教众复业).
Major Zhao Cheng-ji was probably a second cousin of the brothers Zhao Ying-cheng and Zhao Ying-dou, even though the latter was referred to as Zhao Cheng-ji’s younger brother by the stone inscription.
From 1642 to 1653, Zhao Cheng-ji was part of the Middle Army of the Kaifeng Route and led troops in defending Kaifeng. In 1657, he was promoted to Major of the Western Route Army of Guyuan County (固原县) in Shanxi Province. From 1663 to 1679, he was promoted to Lieutenant within the same division.
Major Zhao was one of the very first to donate his salary to help contribute to the rebuilding of the synagogue (赵承基等首捐俸资). Together with Zhao Ying-cheng, he requested the eminent Liu Chang (刘昌) to compose the text for the 1663 Inscription.
In the process of rebuilding the Kaifeng Jewish community following the flood, Zhao Cheng-ji’s contribution was perhaps even more significant than that of Zhao Ying-cheng.
1652: Zhao Ying-dou found synagogue’s foundation
In 1652, Zhao Ying-dou entered Kaifeng to take his Imperial Examinations (映斗应试入汴).
He and his brother Zhao Ying-cheng found the original location of the synagogue amid the ruins (相与从荆棘中正其故址).
Zhao Ying-cheng donated salary, built the Rear Hall
Zhang Ying-cheng, Doctorate Degree Holder and Assistant Commander of the Zhangnan Circuit, was back in Kaifeng to mourn the passing of one of his parents. He donated his salary and was the sole funder of the construction of three sections of the Rear Hall and the Ark of the Revered Scriptures (其后殿三间,尊经龛一座,乃兵巡漳南道副使丙戌科进士赵映乘丁艰旋里,出俸资而独成之者也).
Newly assembled Torah was placed in the Ark
The synagogue initially had thirteen Torah Scrolls, but they were all submerged in flood. Even though a few of them were rescued, when all the surviving pages were assembled together, only one complete Torah could be created. This version of the Torah was placed in the Ark of the Revered Scriptures (殿中原藏道经一十三部,胥沦於水,虽获数部,止纂序为一部,众咸宗之,今俸入尊经龛之中).
Twelve more Torahs were added to the synagogue
After the flood, an additional twelve rolls were gradually prepared and placed to the left and right of the main Scroll (其左右之十二部,乃水患后所渐次修理者也). More Square Scriptures and Miscellaneous Scriptures were also prepared and added to the collection, with funds contributed by all members of the congregation (其散帙方经,众个出资修部).
The Square Scriptures were separate sections of the Pentateuch, measured seven inches by seven and a half inches, with outer covers reinforced with high-quality green silk. The Miscellaneous Scriptures were measured eleven inches by four to five inches. These were bounded in codex style, with paper glued together several layers to make them more durable.
Literary contribution of Zhao brothers (赵映承,赵映斗)
To complete the collection of literature, Zhao Ying-cheng (赵映承) wrote the book, Records of the Vicissitudes of the Holy Scriptures (圣经记变). It described the 1642 flooding of Kaifeng and the fate of the manuscripts.
Zhao Ying-dou (赵映斗) wrote a ten chapter book A Preface to the Illustrious Way (明道序). This was said to have discussed the meaning and practice of various Torah precepts.
Unfortunately, none of these books is extant; if they were, they surely would have revealed a lot more information about the beliefs of the Jews.
Content of the Inscription
Content extracted from: The Kaifeng Stone Inscriptions, Tiberiu Weisz.
Now, as to the establishment of the
religion of Israel.
Its origin came from distant past.
Started with Adam
Was the 19th generation from Pangu clan
Continued to Noah.
Continued with Abraham.
Lohan (Abraham) realized the purpose of the
union between Heaven and man.
He rectified himself
to establish the Source of the Decree.
He knew that Tian Dao (Elohi) was
“without sound and without smell,”
touched upon the subtle and mysterious,
created life, “transformed and nourished”
all in its proper sequence.
Did not make idols.
Was not deceived by sorcery.
only honored with prayers,
Made people “exert their minds”
to unite with Heaven
So the heart saw nothing but Dao.
After several transmissions
The sage patriarch Moses was born.
He was blessed by Heaven
Sharply different (from others)
And excelled all of them.
He searched Dao with a sincere heart
Put aside his lustful desires
Forgot sleep and food
Received the Scriptures on Mount Sinai.
He did not build a hut
He did not use fake lodging
As the Book of Rites (Liji) said:
“Do not (raise) an alter
Do not (dig) a pit
Just sweep the earth
And make a sacrifice
Bright in its simplicity.”
The sage fasted and was utterly sincere
In silence, he connected with the heart of Di (Elohim)
Amidst shapes, sounds and all confusion
He alone could elucidate
the source of the mystery.
And so he authored the Scriptures in 53 sections.
It was the easiest and the simplest
It could be known, could be mastered,
Taught people to be good,
Warned people against evil.
Filial piety, brotherhood, loyalty and faithfulness
were sources of the heart.
Benevolence, righteous, ritual, and wisdom
were sources of (human) nature, and
(that) of heave, earth and all creatures.
Laws, customs, relationship, and regulations
were the rules of the Scriptures.
Activity, passivity, work, rest,
daily drinks and foods
were the topics of the Scriptures.
But its greatest (topic)
were prayers and sacrifice.
Those who prayed
Discarded the extravagant and modelled the truth.
They were able to cause those who did not pray
to return to praying.
Before praying
One fasted and bathed
Discarded his lustful desires
Purified his “natural rulers” (mind)
Adjusted the clothes and cap
Respectfully looked up
then (prayed) the Morning Prayer.
Since there was no day that
Heaven was not among people
Therefore three times every day,
morning, noon, and evening (one) prayed.
That was just when man was to see Heaven.
“To attain His brilliance and awe;
To honor Dao, to honor virtue;
To exert His devotion and sincerity.”
Day in and day out.
As the (Book of) Poetry said:
“Going up, going down
He is on the ground
Day in and day out
He is with us here.”
This is to be compatible.
During praying what connected
with the written scriptures
was loudly praising it,
and the prayer was evident.
(when) silently blessing it,
the prayer was secret.
He advanced, and stepped forward
Looked up, and it was in the front.
He retreated, and stepped backwards
All of a sudden and it was behind.
He (turned) left, as it were on the left.
He (turned) right, as it were on the right.
He dared not to be bored or tired
He dared not to be indifferent or reckless
He “must be watchful when alone”
And watched with awe the brilliant morning.
The Book of Poetry said:
“Careful and reverent
to assail the Shangdi (Elohim).”
This is called to be compatible.
One practiced (prayer) by (going)
Forward, backward, ascended and descended.
Kneeling among those who prayed
Absolutely followed the rituals,
Did not exchange words
Did not turn to look around
Did not attend to private affairs.
Going up he entered the reading of the Dao
The Book of Rites (Liji) said:
“The mind has no careless thoughts
must conform to the Dao
hands and legs have no careless moves
must conform to the ritual (li)”
Dao was within those who prayed like this.
Those who offered sacrifice,
They put forth their utmost sincerity
To respond respectfully to the kindness
of heaven and earth.
In the spring everything came to life.
Used cress and pondweed to sacrifice
and recompense living things for their conduct.
In the middle of autumn, everything offered was ripened.
Use fruits to sacrifice
and recompense accomplished things for their conduct.
Everything could be offered.
(they) were not mixed
(they) were not blended
As it said:
“The great broth is not mixed.”
It must be handled with the utmost
sincerity and faithfulness.
The Book of Rites (Liji) said:
Outwardly, with the utmost rigor of things
Inwardly, with the utmost rigor of the will”
This was called the same.
In the winter and summer
We got seasonal food
to sacrifice to the (deceased) forefathers,
and during the sacrifice
performed according to the rites.
If in the balcony, looked at the alcove
If under the balcony, looked up.
At the end of the sacrifice
All enjoyed the divine blessing
And what was left was given away.
Dao was within those who sacrifice like this.
Those who (practiced) smaller (matters)
Like fasting.
Those who fasted purified (their) ambitions.
Those who did it for seven days
they alone attained the purity
of (their) virtues.
On fasting days,
Did not make allowance for food.
Desired for people to rest
And saved on activities
To preserve sincerity
And expelled deceit
With clear goodness
Returned to the beginning.
The Book of Changes (Yijing) said:
“On the seventh day comes return.”
Upon the return one realized
the heart of heaven and earth.
Still were afraid that people confused it
with self desire and
were shallow with the principles of Dao.
Therefore at the end of autumn
(Israelites) closed the house for one day
to purify and cultivate.
Drinks and food were absolutely rejected
to nourish its natural truth
Scholars stopped reading.
Farmers stopped plowing.
Merchants stopped marketing.
Travelers stopped on the road.
Emotions were forgotten.
Knowledge put aside.
Focused the mind and nourished the nature
to cultivate the return to good.
All people were silent.
At the end of the day
Desires were eliminated and principles expanded.
The Book of Changes (Yijing) said:
“Kings of antiquity closed the passes
At the time of the solstice;
Merchants and strangers did not go about.
And the ruler did not go through the province.”
This is called to be compatible.
Caps, marriage, death and funerals
Were similar to the Chinese rites.
Widower, widow, orphans and childless,
nothing was greater than charity.
The laws of the Scriptures
instructed the details and
were hard to explain.
But when the sage patriarch compiled
the duties in the Scriptures
he was robust, pure at the core
without selfish principles.
Dao followed “the luster in perfection”
Like “a bright sun hanging in the air.”
There was no one person who could not see the Dao
There was no one person who did not
know to honor the Scriptures.
The Scriptures were written in characters
although ancient in origin and different in pronunciation.
But when it came to the principles of the Six Classics
They were always similar.
The religion originated in Tianzhu
At the time of the Zhou (Dynasty)
It was transmitted to China.
A temple was built in Daliang.
Throughout its history in the
Han, Tang, Song, and Ming
several times it had gone through changes.
But members of the religion
revered and never wavered.
Like (in matters of) the appropriateness
of what people drink, eat and wear
they did not dare to deviate even for a moment.
Andula started to build the temple,
in the first year of Lungxing (during the reign of)
Emperor Xiao of the Song Dynasty.
Wusida rebuilt it in the 16th year of
zhi zhen of the Yuan Dynasty.
(Then) Lirong, Liliang, Gaojian, and Gaorui
in the fifth year of Tianxun of the Ming,
(because) the waters of Yellow River flooded,
contributed funds for restoration and rebuilding,
In the temple, 13 copies of the Daojing were stored
And 10 volumes of each of the square
And miscellaneous Scriptures.
Member of the religion daily became more numerous.
They were all concerned with respecting
the Laws of the Heavens
and honor the principles of the ancestors.
And they dared not “let it fall like a meteorite.”
At the end of the Ming in the year of ren wu,
the 15th year of Zongzhen,
Bandit Zhuang rebelled.
Three times he laid siege to Bian.
The people of Bian defended it without precedent.
The fiercest the attack was,
The more stubborn the defense was.
Reviewing it after more than six months
The rebels’ plans had failed.
(They) diverted the waters of the
Yellow River to cause floods
Bian was drowned in water,
And when Bian drowned
the temple was destroyed.
And when the temple was destroyed,
The Scriptures were also lost,
Washed away in the waves
Floating in the middle of the stream.
Those people of the religion who
Ferried to the north were only over 200 families.
Wandering in the northern shore of the river
“the last breath” was revived.
Plans were made to obtain the
remnants of the Scriptures.
Gaoxuan, a member owith a gongshi degree,
Followed the order of his father Dongtou
to enter the temple to obtain the Scriptures.
He made the trip several times
He obtained several copies of the Daojing
And 26 copies of the miscellaneous scriptures.
Lizhen, the supervisor of the religion,
And manla Li chengxian were engaged
To examine and collate them.
Under the Great Qing Emperor Xunshi, in the
bin xu year, Chao Yingchen, with the
Office of Scrutiny, and a member with a jinshi degree,
Edited and arranged them in order.
The completed, compiled Scriptures (consisted of)
One Scroll and several sections of the
square scriptures and some 10 volumes of the
miscellaneous scriptures.
Once the repair were completed,
They were quite new.
They rented a large house to store them safely.
Members of the religion gathered, prayed,
and worshipped as in earlier days.
The place of the scriptures was not lost,
The place of the religion was to be transmitted forever.
Although members of the religion
Settled peacefully in the provincial capital,
but in the end, with the drowning
Of the temple at Bian, they were dissatisfied.
At that time Zhao Chengji, a
member and local commander of
Daliang Middle Route Army,
Lead the troops to defend Bian.
He repaired roads, completed the bridge over Liang (River),
called on people to return to their business.
He was afraid that with the temple destroyed
and the members of the religion scattered,
they would not return.
Moreover, he could not bear that
what the ancestors had built and preserved
for several hundred years
was suddenly destroyed in one day.
He dispatched officers and men
Day and night to patrol and defend it
Then his younger brother, Yingdou
entered Bian to take the examination.
They together, amidst the thorns
uprighted the old site.
Those people of Bian who returned to their own business,
their numbers increased daily.
Chengji urged members of the religion
to return to their business several times.
Lizhen and Zhao Yunzhong were
responsible for the remnants of the Scriptures
To be returned to Bian.
The time was already gui si year of
Xunzhi period.
Public meetings were held to contribute funds
to restore the temple.
Everybody was glad to pay their dues
They calculated the cost of labor
to erect the building.
Then (people like) Gaoxuan, a graduate with gongshi degree,
And scholars like Gao Weiping, Li Fatian,
Filed petitions with each local authority
asking for a permit.
Permission was granted.
To restore and repair The Pure and Truth Temple
according to the ancient monastery.
Then (people like) Zhao Chengji were first
to contribute their (government) salary.
Then (people like) Li Zhen and Zhao Yunzhong
Made extreme efforts to gather workers.
They dug out the Front Hall
From the sands of the Yellow River.
And so the Front Hall was erected.
Zhao Yingcheng, a graduate with jinshi degree, with the
General Surveillance of Changnan Circuit, Fujian:
When he returned, due to personal distress
he contributed from his personal salary
to build the three sections of the Rear Hall.
As to
The three sections of the Sage Ancestors Halls,
the three sections of the Ancestor Teaching Hall,
the three sections of the North Lecture hall,
the three sections of the South Lecture hall,
the three sections of the Large Gate,
the three sections of the Secondary Gate,
the three sections of the kitchen,
the one section of the Memorial Archway,
the nine sections of the Walking Hallways,
the Imperial Qing “wan wan sui” (tablet)
displayed in the middle of the Hall,
the seat of the Dragon pavilion,
the two seats of the square pavilions,
the two places for the incense burning,
and devotional residences,
the painting in vermilion and lacquering in black.
It was imposing and glamorous.
Some of the funds came from contributions made
by the members of the religion.
Some of the funds came from the private
purse of individuals.
When the scale of the temple was finally completed
compared to the former one,
it was even more perfect.
Nothing more than reverently to rise
In the middle of the Hall
originally hidden were
thirteen scrolls of the Jing Dao.
All were engulfed in water.
Although several copies were salvaged
There was enough to compile and
sequence one scroll.
All came together to honor it.
And now it was respectfully entered in the
Middle of the Ark of the Respected Scriptures.
On its left and right were 12 volumes.
After the flood calamities
those were the ones that were gradually repaired.
The miscellaneous writings and the square scriptures
each members contributed for their restoration.
And the Great Advisor Zhao Yingcheng
made a record of the changes of the Holy Scriptures.
And his younger brother Yingdou, when he returned
he annotated the Dao, arranged it in 10 chapters.
The writing of the Scriptures thus prepared
And the contents thus clarified
It was clear and explained in plain,
Like the sun and the moon in the sky
Like the streams and rivers crossing the earth.
The Scriptures contained the truth
the interpreters, dared not consult
with “divided branches.”
The scriptures themselves were simple and easy;
the interpreters, dared not
complicate with complex and difficult.
From it, people knew
the principles between Prince and Minister,
the affection between father and son,
the order between elder and younger brothers
the trustfulness between friends,
and the distinction between husband and wife.
The origin was embedded in knowing that one can do good,
that everybody was capable of illuminating the
good (deeds) and return to the beginning.
This was the meaning of the rule of sage patriarchs
and the reason of honoring and respecting the Scriptures.
Although between then and now
Several thousands year had elapsed,
It seemed as if it was in one day.
Plans (were made) for after the convulsions of nature
Zhao Chengji and Yingdou
uprighted the foundation
starting with one end.
Zhao Yingzheng, Gao Denggui, and others
contributed funds to start the building
and completed the work.
They deserved praise for the temple.
Gaoxuan, Zhao Yingcheng had first edited
The Holy Scriptures;
Lizhen and others had repaired (them) later.
They deserved praise for the Scriptures.
As to the stone inscriptions,
the horizontal tablets and the vertical tablets
each was composed by local
and traveling officials in Henan (Province).
Zhao Chengji, a major in charge of the
Western Route Army, in Gu Yuan, Shanxi Province,
when he returned and looked at the magnificent view,
Heaved and sighed:
“It took several hundred years
to create (this) surpassing compound.
Today, I must return to see it thriving.
Then when the offspring will look at this one day
They will not see it the same way as
I see today or as the earlier generation (had seen it).”
Still being afraid that its longevity
would not be handed down,
he desired to engrave all of it in stone
so as it would not perish.
(He) asked to record with me.
I am a (native) of Bian and had known
the religion of Israel.
(I) had uninterrupted friendship with
Major Zhao chengji, and with the
Great Advisor, Zhao Yingcheng
and with the physican Aixian.
I was rather unable to separate between
the beginning and the end
to tell the details.
Therefore based on old records,
I expanded with supplements
so that people would know where the Dao came from.
Furthermore, looking at the restoration of
the temple and the Scriptures today,
the praise that all the people of the religion deserved
should not be forgotten.
That is to be recorded.
Specially promoted to Great Officer
of the Imperial Entertainment,
Second Classical Tutor of the Emperor,
First Title Tutor of the Crown Prince,
Former Minister at the Ministry of Punishment
And presently Minster with the Public Work
Liuchang compose the text.
The Imperial Envoy, with jinshi degree,
Provincial Commander in Chief, Literary Chancellor,
Assistant Provincial Judge in Yunan,
Li Guangzuo wrote the character in vermilion.
The Imperial Envoy, with jinshi degree,
Provincial Commander in Chief, Literary Chancellor,
Assistant Provincial Judge in Guangdong,
Hou Lianghan, wrote the deal characters at the top.
In the Great Qing Dynasty in gui mao year
The second year of the Gangxi period,
on an auspicious day in the middle month of summer,
In its first decade.
Wang Jiayu, a stone cutter from Wan, engraved the stone.