1360 April: New Tales from the Mountain Dweller


Yang Yu (杨瑀) was a Hangzhou literati


The author of the book, New Tales from the Mountain Dweller (山居新話), was Yang Yu (1285–1361), originally from Hangzhou and served in the Imperial Academy (国子监) in Beijing. The Imperial Academy was the highest institution of academic research and learning in China. The book was published in April of 1360.


Jews dominated top positions in Hangzhou Sugar Bureau


Yang wrote that the top officials in the Hangzhou Sugar Bureau were predominantly Jewish (糖官皆主鶻), whereas the Muslims primarily served as wealth merchants (回回富商也). Yang also noted that the authorities punished these Muslims and Jews for their misconduct in commerce because they used false weights in measuring merchandise.


Jews were referred to as Zhuhu Huihui (主鹘回回)


In this work, the Jews were referred to as Zhuhu Huihui (主鹘回回).