1721: Emperor Kang-xi banned Christian evangelism


Rome meddled in China’s internal affairs


After Emperor Kang-xi met with Mezzabarba and saw there was no room for negotiation, he was not pleased. He regarded Rome as meddling in China's internal affairs.

He issued an Imperial Decree and banned Christian evangelism in China.


Content of Emperor Kang-xi’s Edict


Content of Emperor Kang-xi’s Edict:

After reading this (Pope Clement XI’s) proclamation, I have concluded that the Westerners are petty indeed, for how could they understand matters the way we do in China. Furthermore, there is not a single Westerner fluent in Chinese literature, what they say and discuss, most are ridiculous. After looking through the proclamation brought over by the envoy, their religion is really no different from the extremist sects of Buddhism and Daoism. In terms of speaking nonsense, it does not go beyond this. From now on, Westerner are forbidden from preaching religion in China, to avoid further trouble.

Content of Emperor Kang-xi’s Edict in Chinese:
