1663: 1663b Stone Inscription (康熙碑b)


Name: Acknowledgements on the Back of the Tablet


Original name in Chinese: 碑阴提名.

Translation of the name according to Bishop William Charles White, Names Inscribed on the Reverse of the Stone.

Translation of the name according to Professor Tiberiu Weisz, Acknowledgements on the Back of the Tablet.

No date is given in this inscription, but scholars generally recognise this was engraved around the same time as the 1663a one.


Physical Stone: 60 x 30 x 5 inches


This stone was likely similar in size to the 1489 stone.

On the front side was the inscription of 1663a; on the reverse side was the inscription of 1663b.


Tablet disappeared but text extant


When first erected, this stone was placed just across from the 1489 Tablet, on the south side of the synagogue's courtyard.

The stone shared a similar fate to the synagogue itself. It was last seen in 1850 by two Chinese delegates from Shanghai. They spoke of two pavilions with stone inscriptions, one of which is assumed to be this one. Unfortunately, they did not have the opportunity to copy the text as they did with the 1489/1512 Tablet. This pillar disappeared by the time American missionary W.A.P. Martin (丁韙良, 1827–1916) visited in 1866.

Around the early 1900s, this stone was rumoured to be in possession of the Kaifeng Muslims.

Unlike the 1663a Inscription, Father Jerome Tobar (管宜穆, 1855–1917) did not provide the ink rubbing of the 1663b Inscription in his 1900 publication. Instead, he only offered the Chinese text which he obtained from Father Brucker. It is possible that Father Brucker copied the transcription from the original ink rubbing, which was most likely sent to Europe by Father Jean-Paul Gozani (骆保禄, 1647–1732), who first discovered the stone in 1702. Father Brucker then sent only the transcription to Father Tober and, thus, it is likely that Father Tober had never seen a copy of the ink rubbing.


Composer: Unknown


Purpose: Acknowledgement of congregation members


There is no date on this inscription, but scholarly consensus is that it was created shortly after the 1663a Inscription in order to provide supplementary information that could not fit onto the 1663a side of the tablet.


Main content: Contribution of congregation members


The inscription detailed the contribution by the individual community members towards the rebuilt of the synagogue.


Synagogue was first renovated in 1163


Crucially, the first line of the inscription stated: the renovation of the synagogue first started in 1163 (清真寺之修,始於宋孝隆兴元年). There is no ambiguity in the translation. The word (Pronunciation in Chinese: Xiu) does not mean to construct — it means to fix, to repair, or to renovate.

This means that, according to this inscription, the synagogue had actually existed before in 1163 and that 1163 marked its first significant renovation rather than its initial erection.


Gao rescued seven Torahs, Li rescued three Torahs


Gao Xuan rescued seven scrolls of the Torah; Li Cheng-jun rescued three. All were sent to the north bank of the Yellow River (贡生高选捞获七部,教人李承俊捞获三部,赍至河北).

200 Jewish families survived the flood and temporarily settled in Changyuan County (长垣县), on the northern bank of the Yellow River.

The congregation invited the head of the religion to remove all the blurred portions and cut away the usable pieces of the rescued manuscripts. They examined, sorted, and assembled the remnants into one complete Torah Scroll which they placed into the Ark for the Revered Scriptures (聘请掌教,去其模糊,载其漫坏,参互考订,止纂成全经一部,尊入龛中).


Re-constructed synagogue had thirteen Torahs


Twelve scrolls were added to the collection in addition to the main scroll made from the rescued manuscripts. The synagogue now had the complete collection of thirteen Torah scrolls (十三部乃全).


Front Hall and Founder of Religion Hall


All seven clans contributed funds to the rebuilding of the three sections of the Front Hall and the three sections of the Founder of Religion Hall (公益捐资重修,而李赵艾张高金石等七姓,各输囊金,重建前殿三间,教祖殿三间).


Seven clans together funded the incense chamber


Together, the seven clans funded the incense chamber for self-devotion and all offering items inside such as the table lamp, incense tripod, wooden utensils and articles of normal usage (其焚修住宅,及桌灯炉鼎,一切树木,应用器皿等物,七姓公置之).


Zhao and Gao Clans restored external wall


Zhao Yun-zhong, Gao Deng-ke, and Zhao Yuan-keng restored the wall that surrounded the synagogue (赵允中高登科赵元鏗修周围大墙一道).


Li Clan donated three pairs of bronze censers


Li Hui donated three pairs of bronze censers (李辉置铜炉三副).


Gao Clan funded Hall of the Holy Patriarchs


The Gao Deng-kui and Gao Deng-ke funded three sections of the Holy Patriarch Hall, three sections of the Main Gate, three sections of the Second Gate, and six pairs of bronze censers and vases (至于圣祖殿三间,大门三间,二门三间,铜炉瓶六副,乃高登魁高登科修之).


Ai Clan restored Memorial Archway


The Ai Clan funded the three sections of the North Scriptures Chanting Hall (北诵经堂三间,系艾姓同修).

Ai Shi-de donated a pair of bronze lotus-flower censers, restored the stone balustrade of the verandah in front of the Hall, and paved a pathway connecting to the North Scripture Chanting Hall (艾世德置铜莲花灯两座,修殿前月台石栏,及北经堂甬路).

Ai Sheng-zhi restored a Memorial Archway (艾生枝修牌坊一座).

Ai Wei-yi restored three sections of the kitchen (艾惟一修厨房三间).


Ai Clan restored stone well, stone lions, and blinds


According to Dr Berthold Laufer (劳乌茀, 1874–1934), Ai Ying-kui was Ai Tian’s (艾田) son.

The inscription recorded, Ai Ying-kui and his sons — Ai Cong-sheng, Ai Yong-yin, Ai Xian-sheng, Ai Da-sheng, and Ai Fu-sheng — restored a stoned water well, a pair of stone lions, one phoenix lantern, five bamboo door blinds, and seven decorated door screens (艾应奎率子丛生永胤显升达生复生等修石栏井一眼,石狮一对,风灯一座,竹帘五挂,花扁七面).


Zhao Ying-cheng funded Rear Hall and Ark


Zhang Ying-cheng, Doctorate Degree Holder and Assistant Commander of the Zhangnan Circuit, was back in Kaifeng to mourn the passing of one of his parents. He donated his salary to help fund the construction of three sections of the Rear Hall and the Ark of the Revered Scriptures (其后殿三间,尊经龛一座,乃兵巡漳南道副使丙戌科进士赵映乘丁艰旋里,出俸资而独成之者也).


Jin Clan funded the Imperial Tablet Dragon Pavilion


Jin Zhi-feng set up the Dragon Pavilion to house the Long Live the Qing Emperor Tablet (金之风立殿中皇清万岁龙喽一座).


Content of the Inscription


Content extracted from: The Kaifeng Stone Inscriptions, Tiberiu Weisz.

The reconstruction of The Pure and Truth Temple

Started in the first year of the Longxing period

Under the emperor Xiao of the Song Dynasty.

Since then until today several hundred years had passed.

Although several Scriptures had gone through changes

the old site of the temple was preserved and standing.

Then at the end of the Ming Dynasty in the gui-wu year,

the 15th year of Zunzheng period,

After the flooding calamity

the foundation of the temple collapsed.

Those who saw it, there was no one who was not deeply affected.

In the gui-si year of our dynasty, the 10th year of

Xunzhi period, members of the religion

returned to Bian, and returned to their businesses.

Public meetings were held

to contribute funds to restore and rebuild.

The seven clans of Li, Ai, Zhao, Zhang, Gao, Jin, and Shi

each contributed funds to the common treasury.

to rebuild the three sections of the Front Hall

and the three sections of the Hall of the Religion.

As to the three sections of the Rear hall and

the Seat of the Ark of the Holy Scriptures,

Zhao Yingcheng, a graduate with jinshi degree,

an Assistant Officer with the Office of Scrutiny

and Assistant Commander of the Zhangnan Route Army,

in the year bing xu

he returned due to personal distress,

contributed funds from his personal salary

to complete them.

As to the

Three sections of the Sage Ancestors Hall,

The three sections of the Large Gate,

The three sections of the Secondary Gate,

The bronze stove and six vases,

Gao Dengui and Gao Chengke restored them.

The three sections of the Northern Lecture Hall,

the relatives of the Ai clan restored them.

The three sections of the Southern Lecture Hall,

Zhao Yunzhong, Yuncheng, Yingkun,

accompanied by his nephew Yuanjian, restored them.

Aisheng repaired the Memorial Archway.

Jin Zhifeng set up the “Long Live” Qing Imperial Tablet

Displayed in the middle of the Hall of the Seat of

The Dragon Pavilion.

Zhao Yunzhong and Yuncheng repaired and restored

the nine sections of the Walking Hallways,

the railing, the floor, the candle sticks,

the ceremonial table in the Middle Hall,

the inside paved path from the Front Hall

to the Great Gate

and the paved path of the South Scripture Hall.

Ai Yingui and his sons Zungsheng, Yongyin,

Xiansheng, Dasheng, Fusheng, and others

repaired the curved stone well,

the two stone lions, the Phoenix lantern,

the five bamboo blinds and the seven decorated screen doors.

Lihui brought the three bronze stoves.

Ai Shide brought the two stands of the

bronze lotus lamps and repaired

the stone balustrade in front

of the veranda in the Front Hall, and

the paved path to the North Scripture Hall.

Ai Weiyi restored the three sections of the kitchen.

Zhao Yunzhong, Gao Dengke, and Zhao Yuanjian

restored the surrounding great wall.

Ai Shide and Shifang restored the decorative veranda

outside of the main Gate.

The incense burner in the devotional chamber,

The tables, stools, brazier, the incense tripod,

some of the wooden utensils, etc.,

the seven clans brought them together.

When the model of the temple was finally completed,

It had still contained the decorated black lacquer

as the previous one.

Compared to the previous one it looked even more imposing.

The supplement engraved on the back of the tablet

was to record what its content said.

In the Middle of the Hall

were hidden the old

13 scrolls of the Daojing.

In the ren-wu year,

They were engulfed in water.

Gaoxuan, with a gongsheng degree,

salvaged seven scrolls.

Li Chengchun, a member, salvaged three scrolls.

Sent them north of the river and

asked the Supervisor of the Religion

to expunge the blurred and cut the bad portions.

He examined and collated them

There was enough to compile and

to complete one full scroll.

Placed it respectfully in the Middle Ark.

Members of the religion worshipped it.

On its left, there was a scroll that

was originally the old Scripture.

The Supervisor of the Religion, Lizhen,

repaired and restored it.

On the right, there was a scroll that

manla Li Chengxian

repaired and restored.

The rest of the more than 10 scrolls

were the ones that were gradually repaired.

Among the members of the religion

was Ai Weiyi, together

with his clan, repaired one scroll.

Zhao Yunsi, repaired one scroll.

Qin Yingxuan together with his clan

repaired one scroll.

Gao Denggui repaired one scroll.

Zhao Yingcheng repaired on scroll.

Manla Shi Zijun, repaired one scroll.

Li Hui together with his nephew, Yu Xiu,

repaired one scroll.

Gao Dengke repaired one scroll.

Manla Zhang Wenrui, together with his clan,

repaired one scroll.

Manla Ai Dasheng, together with his

elder and younger brother and sons,

repaired one scroll.

And so the 13 scrolls were completed.

They were quite new.

For those who chant

(They) found it easy to comprehend

And for those who watched it

(they) found comfort in pleasing.

All the Superiors of the Religion and manlas

Were those who had handwritten them.

And all the members of the religion were

those who assisted in the completion.

Carefully engraved in stone

So that later generations now about

the repairs of the Scriptures and the synagogue.

Alas, there were the reason.