1441–1442: Al-Maqrizi
Writing based on research rather than personal experience
Al-Maqrizi (1364–1442) was a prominent Muslim historian who spent most of his life in Egypt. He wrote about Genghis Khan’s reign based on other historical sources rather than personal experience.
Genghis Khan called for all religions to be treated equally
He noted that Genghis Khan ordered all religions to be treated with equal respect and tolerance.
Ritual slaughtering was punishable by death
When animals were to be eaten, their feet must be tied, their belly ripped open, and hearts squeezed in the hand until they die.
If anyone were to slaughter animals in the Muslim and Jewish fashion, they themselves were to be slaughtered.
Religious clergies were exempt from taxation
No taxation should be levied on “fakirs, reader of the Al-Koran, lawyers, physicians, scholars, people who devote themselves to prayer and asceticism, muezzins and those who wash bodies of the dead.”